Website Design / Website Development

HOP Shop

HOP Shop is a multivendor marketplace startup.

A hop-on, hop-off space to buy and sell extraordinary things made by ordinary South Africans.

I was approached by the HOP Shop team to design and build their vision of an online multivendor marketplace that would target local creators and enable them to securely monetize their talents and hobbies.

The Homepage was designed to be as color-neutral as possible in order to best showcase the vendor content.

A hero section briefly explains the concept of Hop Shop and was built as a custom Gutenberg block that can be easily edited and updated by the Hop Shop team.

The Shop

The main products page was designed as a minimalistic approach to an e-commerce storefront, offering only two filter options for products – Category and Price Range.

Vendors who register for a seller’s account on HOP Shop are provided with their own customizable store page where they can curate their product catalogs and display their shipping policies to users.


The functionality of WCFM was extended to integrate with the custom product page templates built for Hop Shop, the result is user-uploaded products that integrate seamlessly into the eCommerce store.

The look and feel of the individual product pages are clean and minimalist, consistent with the rest of the site design.

Store Management

I integrated the WCFM framework to allow vendors to manage their shop profiles and product offerings. A lot of customization was done using Javascript and CSS to simplify and interface and style it to fit the aesthetic of the site.

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